The field of axon guidance was revolutionized over the past three decades from the identification of highly conserved families of guidance cues and receptors

The field of axon guidance was revolutionized over the past three decades from the identification of highly conserved families of guidance cues and receptors. in regulating adherens, limited, and space junctions in nonneural epithelia and endothelia. Guidance receptors on axonal…

The herpes virus (HSV) capsid is released in to the cytoplasm after fusion of viral and host membranes, whereupon dynein-dependent trafficking along microtubules targets it towards the nuclear envelope

The herpes virus (HSV) capsid is released in to the cytoplasm after fusion of viral and host membranes, whereupon dynein-dependent trafficking along microtubules targets it towards the nuclear envelope. didn’t detect any apparent differences in the positioning or structural firm…

Supplementary MaterialsS1 Body: The OB-BMST overlaps with myoepithelial/myofibroblast signature and, to a lesser extent, with fibroblast and endothelial cell signatures

Supplementary MaterialsS1 Body: The OB-BMST overlaps with myoepithelial/myofibroblast signature and, to a lesser extent, with fibroblast and endothelial cell signatures. (A) are lacking POSTN immunoreactivity. In contrast, in PCa (C) and MCa (E) bone metastases, myofibroblasts surrounding areas of malignancy…