A series of critique articles are included in the Symposium on Reemerging Attacks including Influenza, XDR and MDR Tuberculosis, Congenital Cytomegalovirus and Zika Attacks, Rickettsioses in Kids, Antibiotic Level of resistance- A REASON for Reemergence of Attacks, and Rationalization of Empiric Antibiotic Therapy C A Move Towards Preventing Introduction of Resistant Attacks and so are a reminder of the few infections that may have destructive consequences

A series of critique articles are included in the Symposium on Reemerging Attacks including Influenza, XDR and MDR Tuberculosis, Congenital Cytomegalovirus and Zika Attacks, Rickettsioses in Kids, Antibiotic Level of resistance- A REASON for Reemergence of Attacks, and Rationalization of…