Introduction The management of sensitive skin which affects over 60% of the general population has been a long-standing challenge for both patients and clinicians. after 2 and 4?weeks of treatment (test was used to determine significant differences between two groups. ARRY-438162 Results Out of 60 subjects one subject experienced facial redness after application of Atopalm MLE Cream. The subject refused to have a patch test. The lesion disappeared 1?day after discontinuation of using the cream. The remaining 59 subjects completed the trial DCHS1 with no sign of adverse reaction. The demographic data of these subjects were detailed in Table?2. Table?2 Demographic data of subjects Both Products Improve Epidermal Permeability Barrier Since Atopalm MLE Cream and Physiogel Intensive Cream contain stratum corneum lipids which benefit the epidermal permeability barrier [35-37] we first assessed epidermal permeability barrier function after topical applications of these products. As shown in Fig.?1a ARRY-438162 topical applications of Atopalm MLE Cream for 2?weeks induced an over 20% reduction in TEWL. In contrast Physiogel Intensive Cream caused an 11% increase in TEWL after 2?weeks of treatment. After 4?weeks of treatments both Atopalm MLE Cream and Physiogel Intensive Cream benefited the epidermal permeability barrier while the reduction in TEWL was more dramatic in Atopalm MLE Cream-treated than in Physiogel Intensive Cream-treated subjects. Fig.?1 The effects of barrier-enhancing products around the epidermal permeability barrier in subjects with sensitive skin. Subjects’ faces with sensitive skin were treated with either Atopalm? MLE Cream or Physiogel? Intensive Cream twice … Our prior ARRY-438162 studies have ARRY-438162 exhibited that topical stratum corneum lipids or their made up of product improve stratum corneum hydration [38-40] which is usually reduced in sensitive skin [10]. We next decided whether topical treatments with these products also improve stratum corneum hydration in sensitive skin. Indeed both products significantly increased stratum corneum hydration after 4?weeks of treatment although the improvement of stratum corneum hydration was not dramatic after 2?weeks of treatment (Fig.?1b). The improvement in stratum corneum hydration was no different between these two products after 2 or 4?weeks of treatment. Taken together these results demonstrated that topical applications of either product improves epidermal permeability barrier and stratum corneum hydration in subjects with sensitive skin. Both Products Improve LASTS Sensitive skin is characterized by an enhanced response to LAST [30 31 which is likely due to poor permeability barrier that facilitates the penetration of lactic acid into skin [28 29 Since both Atopalm MLE Cream and Physiogel Intensive Cream improved epidermal permeability barrier we next assessed whether these two products also improve LAST scores. As seen in Fig.?2 after 2?weeks of treatments with these products LAST scores were reduced by 14%. Further reductions in LAST scores were observed after 4?weeks of treatment (27.3?±?7.2% for Atopalm MLE Cream and 34.1?±?8% for Physiogel Intensive Cream no significant difference was observed between these two products). These results demonstrate that Atopalm MLE Cream- and Physiogel Intensive Cream-induced improvement of permeability barrier is usually paralleled by a reduction in LAST scores. Fig.?2 The effects of barrier-enhancing products on LASTS in subjects with sensitive skin. Subjects’ faces with sensitive skin were treated with either Atopalm? MLE Cream or Physiogel? Intensive Cream twice daily for 4?weeks. … Discussion Sensitive skin is usually a common skin disorder. The preventive and therapeutic regimens ARRY-438162 are limited although moisturizers are available [41-43]. In the present study we showed that topical applications of these two products improved LAST scores ARRY-438162 likely resulting from enhanced epidermal permeability barrier function in subjects with sensitive skin. Although both products contain stratum corneum lipids which are known to improve epidermal permeability barrier in both normal and diseased skin [36 37 44 topical Atopalm MLE Cream induced a rapid improvement in epidermal permeability barrier after 2?weeks of treatment. In contrast Physiogel Intensive Cream increased TEWL after 2?weeks of treatment. The mechanisms underlying the difference in the efficacy between the two products are unclear. However.

Introduction The management of sensitive skin which affects over 60% of
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