Background Many molecular phylogenetic analyses rely on DNA sequence data obtained from single or multiple loci, particularly mitochondrial DNA loci. AFLP phylogeny is considerably better resolved and more congruent with relationships inferred from morphological data. Both phylogenies support paraphyly for the genera haplotypes, 7 south Australian haplotypes, and one Indopacific haplotype (Table ?(Table1).1). The remaining haplotypes resulted from sequences obtained in our lab from 1808 individual samples. Six hundred and six of these samples were sequenced for previous studies: 312 included collections from both of the distinct morphotypes found in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, described as the coastal form and the offshore form [50]. DNA from the four and … The STRUCTURE assignment and ancestry tests on the AFLP data confirm the AFLP phylogenetic results (Table ?(Table4).4). The results of the probability of assignment of each putative hybrid to species strongly conflicts with the mtDNA haplotype identity, suggesting hybrids are backcrossed many generations into the paternal species. We also see an interesting result with the S. attenuata individual Sa94106. This individual shows a low probability of assignment to the S. attenuata species but rather than a high probability of assignment in S. frontalis, this individual exhibits high probability of mixed grandparentage (Table Rabbit polyclonal to Caspase 2 ?(Table4).4). This individual may represent the category of hybrids mentioned in the previous paragraph, those backcrossed into the maternal species. Even some of the unambiguous individuals show non-zero probabilities for extra-species grandparentage, suggesting low levels of allelic introgression may be widespread. Hybridization and its evolutionary role have been recently revisited in the literature now that larger nuclear datasets are increasingly available for comparison to mtDNA phylogenies [75,89-94]. Shaw [75] demonstrated the phenomenon of mtDNA gene 162011-90-7 flow and in some cases 162011-90-7 complete introgression (haplotype capture) across species boundaries in the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala. The apparent importance of interspecific gene flow in this system led Shaw [75] to issue a caveat about potentially misleading patterns of mtDNA variation among closely related species complexes. Among species of Darwin’s finches in the Galpagos archipelago, sympatric introgressive hybridization has also played an important role in the adaptive radiation of species [91]. It is now recognized that interspecific hybridization in the wild is not uncommon in rapidly radiating groups [95]. A reader might form an intuitive hypothesis regarding the detection of hybridization in wild populations: hybridization levels must be relatively high if even a handful of hybrids are detected by chance. Therefore, 162011-90-7 species identities should be lost over time due to gene flow. While this may be a possible fate for some lineages through the course of evolutionary history, there is a myriad of recent literature documenting cases of just the opposite: divergence with gene flow and long-term maintenance of species boundaries in the face of secondary contact [89,90,92-94,96]. The highly labile spotted dolphin species may demonstrate a stable hybrid zone across yet to be quantified gradients or patches in marine variables such as salinity, temperature, depth, or prey distribution. Differential introgression of loci across the genome between species due to hybridization is possible and common; gene flow and species divergence are not always mutually exclusive trajectories [89,90,94]. Although we cannot make definitive conclusions about the role of hybridization in the evolution of the delphinine species, it is important to note the evolutionary similarities among the Delphininae, the Laupala, and the Darwin’s finches. The Delphininae, like these other taxa, are likely the product of a recent, rapid radiation event. In addition, many of the species in the subfamily are distributed across ocean basins. In contrast with island species, it is more difficult to discern obvious barriers to gene flow in marine species. However, isolated allopatric or parapatric populations exist within delphinine species that are.

Background Many molecular phylogenetic analyses rely on DNA sequence data obtained

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